Judicial Branch | Report and Recommendations from 2021 Judicial Diversity Summit (Action Required)
The Advisory Committee on Providing Access and Fairness presents the final report and recommendations from the 2021 Judicial Diversity Summit, "Stronger Together." The committee recommends that the Judicial Council distribute the summit report to the Trial Court Presiding Judges Advisory Committee and the Court Executives Advisory Committee and refer four of the summit recommendations to appropriate advisory committees and council staff for action. The summit was sponsored by the Judicial Council, the California Judges Association, and the California Lawyers Association in collaboration with 15 affinity judicial and bar associations. It was the fourth statewide Judicial Diversity Summit to review and analyze efforts to foster greater diversity throughout California's judiciary, and the first summit to be held remotely due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The 2021 summit programs successfully reached over 1,700 registrants, including commissioners, judges, justices, and attorneys.
The committee recommends that the Judicial Council, effective December 2, 2022:
1. Receive the final report from the 2021 Judicial Diversity Summit: Stronger Together.
2. Direct staff to distribute the summit report to the Trial Court Presiding Judges Advisory Committee and Court Executives Advisory Committee.
3. Refer to the Executive and Planning Committee for further consideration and referral to the appropriate advisory bodies the following recommendations: Summit Recommendation 1, Increase Education and Resources on Judicial Appointments and Elections Process; Summit Recommendation 3, Strengthen Efforts to Mentor Judicial Officers on the Bench as a Crucial Component of Their Continued Professional Development and Advancement; and Summit Recommendation 4, Strengthen and Coordinate Judicial Outreach to Connect wi...
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