Trial Court Allocations: Adjustments to the Workload-Based Allocation and Funding Methodology (Action Required)
The Trial Court Budget Advisory Committee recommended a number of adjustments to the Workload-Based Allocation and Funding Methodology, including clarification of which expenses and funds should be included or excluded from the methodology.
The Trial Court Budget Advisory Committee unanimously recommended that the Judicial Council adopt the following regarding updating and clarifying the Workload-Based Allocation and Funding Methodology:
1. Approve the current annual update cycles in place for five Workload-Based Allocation and Funding Methodology (WAFM) components-average court executive officer salary, Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics factor, salary-driven and non-salary-driven benefits, AB 1058 adjustment, and average resource assessment study-related salary-and update annually the average operating expenses and equipment per full-time equivalent by cluster component using a three-year average from fourth-quarter Quarterly Financial Statement data through two fiscal years prior (see option 1B of Attachment C).
2. Clarify the designation for three expense codes both included and excluded in the Judicial Council-approved methodology for calculating Workload-Based Allocation and Funding Methodology operating expenses and equipment per full-time equivalent by excluding the "Air Conditioning/Heating Equipment" and "Facility Planning" Phoenix general ledger expenses and including the "Grand Jury Costs" Phoenix general ledger expense.
3. Designate expense codes with no expenditures in 2011-2012 or created after 2011-2012 and, therefore, not previously considered as part of the Judicial Council-approved methodology for calculating Workload-Based Allocation and Funding Methodology operating expenses and equipment per full-time equivalent (see column F of Attachment F...
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