Pretrial Reform | Pretrial Reform and Operations Workgroup Update and Recommendations on Use of Pretrial Risk Assessment Instruments (No Action Required)
The Chief Justice appointed the Pretrial Reform and Operations Workgroup (PROW) (the Workgroup) in January 2019 to review progress on reforms to California’s system of pretrial detention and release and identify next steps. PROW was charged with (1) reviewing progress on reforms to California’s system of pretrial detention and release; (2) developing recommendations for funding allocations of court pilot projects, should they be included in the final State Budget for fiscal year 2019-20; (3) developing a plan for judicial branch education on pretrial issues; and (4) conducting an examination of pretrial risk assessment instruments.
The Workgroup has met frequently since its appointment, both in-person and virtually, to fulfill these charges. It has reviewed progress on pretrial reforms, developed funding recommendations and provided ongoing oversight to the Pretrial Pilot Program, and developed judicial branch education programs on pretrial issues. The documents provided as Attachment A, Pretrial Risk Assessment Instrument Recommendations and Areas for Further Policy Development, and Attachment B, Fundamentals of Pretrial Risk Assessment Instruments, are the culmination of PROW’s comprehensive examination of pretrial risk assessment instruments (PRAIs) and recommended best practices for their use by California trial courts and justice partners. PROW submits this report, including the attached documents relating to its fourth charge, for the consideration of the Judicial Council.
Hon. Marsha G. Slough, Chair, Pretrial Reform and Operations Workgroup
Ms. Shelley Curran, Criminal Justice Services