Trial Court Budget: Workload-Based Allocation and Funding Methodology (Action Required)
With a sustained lack of adequate and stable funding of the trial courts, the Trial Court Budget Advisory Committee recommends adopting new policy parameters for the Workload-Based Allocation and Funding Methodology (WAFM) to go into effect in fiscal year 2018-19 to continue making progress towards equity of funding based on workload. WAFM became effective July 1, 2013, with a council-approved five-year implementation schedule incrementally shifting funds using a recalculation of historical base each year, concluding in 2017-18. WAFM needs new policy parameters, effective 2018-19 and beyond, to further the objectives of the judicial branch in reaching workload-based equitable funding.
Based on actions taken at its December 4, 2017, meeting, the Trial Court Budget Advisory Committee (TCBAC) recommends that the Judicial Council take the following actions related to the Workload-Based Allocation and Funding Methodology (WAFM), effective July 1, 2018:
1. Approve new policy parameters for WAFM for use in allocating trial court operations funds starting in 2018-19;
2. Direct TCBAC to propose to the Judicial Council changes or modifications to the model as needed; and
3. Delegate authority to Judicial Council staff to make technical adjustments to the methodology as needed.
Hon Jonathan B. Conklin, Chair, Trial Court Budget Advisory Committee and
Co-Chair, Funding Methodology Subcommittee
Ms. Rebecca Fleming, Co-Chair, Funding Methodology Subcommittee
Ms. Lucy Fogarty, Deputy Director, Judicial Council Budget Services
Ms. Leah Rose-Goodwin, Manager, Judicial Council Budget Services