Subordinate Judicial Officers: Deferrals of Conversions to Judgeships (Action Required)
The Executive and Planning Committee (E&P) of the Judicial Council has authority to confirm conversions of subordinate judicial officer positions to judgeships under the Government Code using uniform criteria adopted by the Judicial Council to identify positions eligible for conversion. Under certain circumstances, E&P may grant a temporary exception to conversion at the request of a court that wishes to defer a conversion until a later time. E&P now proposes the refinement of an existing criterion for granting exceptions that would allow for a one-year extension of an original deferral if good cause can be shown by the court.
The Executive and Planning Committee recommends that the Judicial Council refine existing policy concerning the granting of deferrals of subordinate judicial officer (SJO) conversions in order to allow a court that has previously been granted a one-year deferral to extend the deferral for an additional year, if the court can show good cause for this action.