Trial Courts: Revise Workload Measurement of Infractions Cases in Resource Assessment Study Model (Action Required)
The Workload Assessment Advisory Committee recommends that the Judicial Council adopt a technical adjustment to the Resource Assessment Study (RAS) model for measuring court workload in infractions cases. This change will ensure that the measurement of this workload reflects the resources and technology that courts employ to process these cases. If adopted, this change would take place immediately and would be used to calculate the RAS workload need for budget allocations starting with FY 2018-19.
The Workload Assessment Advisory Committee recommends that the Judicial Council adopt a methodological adjustment to the Resource Assessment Study (RAS) model for measuring court workload in infractions cases. The RAS model uses a weighted caseload methodology to measure trial court staff need, with different weights assigned to infractions workload for courts with more than and fewer than 100,000 filings. The infractions workload of courts whose average annual infractions workload was previously higher than 100,000, but has since dropped below that threshold, will continue to be measured using the weight assigned to large courts. This change will ensure that the measurement of this workload reflects the resources and technology that courts employ to process these cases. If adopted, this change would take place immediately and would be used to calculate the RAS workload need for budget allocations starting with fiscal year 2018-19.