Report to the Legislature: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Family Code Section 4007.5
On October 8, 2015, Governor Brown signed Assembly Bill 610 (Jones-Sawyer; Stats. 2015, ch. 629) into law, enacting Family Code section 4007.5, which authorizes a local child support agency to (1) suspend current child support obligations during an obligor’s period of incarceration or involuntary institutionalization, provided certain conditions are met and (2) administratively adjust account balances accordingly. Assembly Bill 610 requires the Department of Child Support Services and the Judicial Council to conduct an evaluation of the effectiveness of the administrative adjustment process, including a review of the ease of process to the obligor and obligee, the number of cases administratively adjusted, the number of cases adjusted in court, and the number of cases not adjusted. This report was submitted to the Assembly Judiciary Committee and Senate Judiciary Committee in fulfillment of this mandate.