Family Law: Technical Changes to Limited Scope Representation Rule and Form (Action Required)
The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends technical revisions to a rule of court and an order form used in limited scope representation cases. The technical changes will respond to the concerns recently raised by court clerks about the change in procedure needed because the order form, as amended effective September 1, 2017, includes a proof of service, requiring clerks to process the order twice. The revisions will ensure that court clerks need process the order only once.
The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends that the Judicial Council, effective January 1, 2018:
1. Amend subdivision (e)(3)(G) of rule 5.425 of the California Rules of Court to specify that, if the court finds that the attorney has completed the agreed-upon work, his or her representation is concluded on the date determined by the court upon service of the signed Order on Completion of Limited Scope Representation (form FL-958); and
2. Revise Order on Completion of Limited Scope Representation (form FL-958) by:
a. Deleting the proof of service on page 2; and
b. Revising item 3e to reflect that the attorney must serve the parties in the case and file the proof of service unless otherwise directed by the court.