Court Facilities: Court Facilities Trust Fund-Reducing Operations and Maintenance Costs, and Utility Costs in Courthouses (Action Required)
The Court Facilities Trust Fund (CFTF) supports two significant trial court expenses: operations and maintenance, and utility expenses. Due to a revenue shortfall, the CFTF is projected to have a funding deficit in FY 2017-2018 of $10.3 million. The current action plan to address the CFTF’s funding shortfall is to focus on saving 10 percent of costs for both operations and maintenance and utilities in trial court facilities statewide. The Trial Court Facility Modification Advisory Committee (TCFMAC) recommends the Judicial Council direct staff to take all actions necessary to reduce utility and maintenance costs, including engaging the local trial courts. The TCFMAC advocates for quick action on energy conservation and efficiency in order to protect CFTF funds that are critical to the ongoing operations and maintenance of trial court facilities.
Public Comment / Presentation / Discussion
The Trial Court Facility Modification Advisory Committee recommends that the Judicial Council, effective May 18, 2017, direct Judicial Council staff to take all actions necessary to (1) reduce utility and maintenance costs, including engaging the local trial courts; and (2) report back on its progress at the September 2017 Judicial Council meeting
Hon. Donald Cole Byrd, Chair, Trial Court Facility Modification
Advisory Committee
Hon. William F. Highberger, Vice-chair, Trial Court Facility Modification
Advisory Committee
Mr. Mike Courtney, Capital Program