Traffic: Selection of Online Traffic Adjudication Pilot Project Expansion Courts (Action Required)
The Budget Act of 2018-19 appropriated $3.4 million in new operational funding and $1.3 million in ongoing funds to support and expand on the Judicial Council’s partnership with five superior courts initially funded by a U.S. Department of Justice grant to enhance processes for ability-to-pay determinations for traffic infraction fines and fees and to adjudicate these cases online. The act authorizes the Judicial Council to select at least eight courts to expand the Online Traffic Adjudication Pilot Project, and further test and develop ability-to-pay and other online adjudication functions. Judicial Council staff request the council’s approval of the proposed court selection, adding three additional courts to join the five already involved in the pilot.
Judicial Council staff recommend that the Judicial Council, effective November 30, 2018:
Approve the proposed pilot court additions of the Superior Courts of Fresno, El Dorado, and Monterey Counties, establishing the selection of these courts as pilot courts, along with the existing five pilot courts currently partnering with the Judicial Council.