Judicial Branch | Revisions to the Judicial Branch Statistical Information System (Action Required)
The Court Executives Advisory Committee recommends approving revised data standards for the Judicial Branch Statistical Information System (JBSIS). The proposed JBSIS 4.0 data reporting standards would replace JBSIS 3.0 as the system for collecting statistical data from California trial courts. Transitioning from JBSIS 3.0 to JBSIS 4.0 would simplify and increase the efficiency of court data submission and allow court data contacts and Judicial Council staff to more effectively ensure that important court data elements are reported accurately, reliably, uniformly, and in a timely fashion across all trial courts..
The Court Executives Advisory Committee recommends that the Judicial Council, effective July 15, 2022:
1. Approve the JBSIS 4.0 data reporting standards.
2. Direct Judicial Council staff to revise the JBSIS manual to reflect the JBSIS 4.0 standards.
3. Direct Judicial Council staff to work with the Information Technology Advisory Committee and the Judicial Council Information Technology office to initiate a process to review and recommend an implementation plan for the JBSIS 4.0 standards. The implementation plan should be completed by January 1, 2023 and include the following:
a. Details about how to update or develop the platform for JBSIS data submission to align with the JBSIS 4.0 standards as well as how to update the existing JBSIS data warehouse, associated databases, and related applications and interfaces.
b. Direction as to how Judicial Council staff will provide informational resources and technological support to court data contacts preceding and throughout the implementation of new data standards.
The Court Executives Advisory Committee will present the revised JBSIS manual and data submission guidelines to the Judicial Council for approval in July 2023.