Rules and Forms | Juvenile Law: Secure Youth Treatment Facility Offense-Based Classification Matrix (Action Required)
The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends the adoption of a rule of court to implement Welfare and Institutions Code section 875(h), which requires the council to develop and adopt a matrix of offense-based classifications to be used by all juvenile courts when setting baseline terms for youth committed to a Secure Youth Treatment Facility (SYTF) disposition. The statute calls for the matrix to assign a baseline term of years to each offense for which a youth can be committed to an SYTF. The offenses are to be grouped into offense categories that are linked to a standard baseline term of years for each offense category. The proposed matrix in the rule would include four total offense categories, with each category assigned a range of years as the standard baseline term. To assist the court in determining a baseline term for each youth within the range, the rule sets forth criteria for the court to weigh in making its decision.
The Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee recommends that the Judicial Council, effective July 1, 2023, adopt California Rules of Court, rule 5.806 to include the matrix for setting baseline terms as well as criteria for the court to apply when selecting a term within the range.
Hon. Stephanie E. Hulsey, Cochair, Family and Juvenile Law Advisory Committee
Ms. Tracy Kenny, Center for Families, Children & the Courts