Tri-Annual Review of Judicial Council Governance Policies and Principles (Action Required)
The Executive and Planning Committee recommends revising the Judicial Council Governance Policies. The Judicial Council revises these policies every three years. A recent analysis of both the California Rules of Court and the governance policies revealed substantially similar verbiage. The 2017 revisions include simplified language in the governance policies and inclusion of the Operating Standards for Judicial Council Advisory Bodies.
The Executive and Planning Committee recommends revising the Judicial Council Governance Policies to remove language that is verbatim or substantially similar to language used in the California Rules of Court. The revised governance polices are designed to be more general in their description of the Judicial Council and its internal committees. The Judicial Council also recommends appending the Operating Standards for Judicial Council Advisory Bodies to the governance policies. The operating standards support the general parameters within which Judicial Council advisory bodies operate under the direction and oversight of the Chief Justice and the Judicial Council.