Jury Instructions: Civil Jury Instructions (Release 34) (Action Required)
The Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions recommends approving for publication the new, revised, and revoked civil jury instructions prepared by the committee. These revisions bring the instructions up to date with developments in the law over the previous six months. On Judicial Council approval, the instructions will be published in the official midyear supplement to the 2019 edition of the Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI).
The Advisory Committee on Civil Jury Instructions recommends that the Judicial Council, effective May 17, 2019, approve for publication the following civil jury instructions prepared by the committee:
1. Revisions to 21 instructions: CACI Nos. 101, 105, 472, 1204, 2020, 2021, 2506, 2508, 2510, 2540, 2541, 2544, 2704, 3725, 4002, 4106, 5001, 5009, 5012, 5017, and 5022;
2. The addition of 6 new instructions: CACI Nos. 3903Q, 4570, 4571, 4572, 4573, and 4574;
3. Revocation of CACI No. 4003;
4. The addition of a note to 7 instructions-CACI Nos. 2521A, 2521B, 2521C, 2522A, 2522B, 2522C, and 2524-indicating that proposed revisions are currently under consideration; and
5. One addition to the User Guide.