Equal Access Fund | Distribution of Funds for Partnership Grants and IOLTA-Formula Grants (Action Required)
The Budget Act of 2020 includes over $23 million in the Equal Access Fund for general distribution to legal services providers and support centers. The funds are to be distributed primarily in two parts: IOLTA (Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Accounts)-formula grants and partnership grants (with a small amount also distributed for administration). The Legal Services Trust Fund Commission of the State Bar recommends approving distribution of $21,169,328 in IOLTA-formula grants for fiscal year (FY) 2020-21, according to the statutory formula in the state Budget Act, and $2,423,410 in partnership grants for 2021. The commission further requests approval of its findings that the proposed budget for each individual grant complies with statutory and other relevant guidelines.
The Legal Services Trust Fund Commission recommends that the Judicial Council, effective September 25, 2020, approve:
1. The distribution of $21,169,328 in IOLTA-formula grants for FY 2020-21 according to the terms of the state Budget Act;
2. The commission’s determination that the proposed budget of each individual grant complies with statutory and other guidelines; and
3. The distribution of $2,423,410 in Equal Access Fund partnership grants to the following legal services agencies for programs conducted jointly with courts to provide legal assistance to self-represented litigants:
a. Bet Tzedek Legal Services
Self-Help Elder and Dependent Adult Restraining Order Clinic
(Los Angeles County) ............................................................................................$78,491
b. Central California Legal Services, Inc.
Guardianship Project ..............................................................................................$58,868
Tenant/Landlord Housing Law Project (Fresno) .....................................................$68,680
Tulare County Unlawful Detainer Workshop ........................................................$68,680
c. Community Legal Aid SoCal
Orange County Community Court Clinic ..............................................................$34,340
Orange County Consumer Debt Workshop .............................................................$22,566
Unlawful Detainer Workshop at Norwalk Courthouse (Los Angeles) ..................$68,680
d. Elder Law and Advocacy
Imperial County Unlawful Detainer/Elder Abuse Restraining Order Clinic ...........$69,661
e. Family Violence Law Center
Domestic Violence Pro Per Project (Alameda) .......................................................$24,528
f. Housing and Economic Rights Advocates
Probate Clinic (San Mateo) ....................................................................................$41,208
g. Inland Counties Legal Services
Consumer Clinic Partnership (San Bernardino)…………………………………...$92,227
h. Justice and Diversity Center
Family Law Assisted Self-Help/Case Resolution (FLASH/CARE) Project (San Francisco) ..............................................................................................................$39,246
Shriver-SASH Self-Help Custody (San Francisco) .................................................$72,604
i. LACBA (Los Angeles County Bar Association) Counsel for Justice
Domestic Violence Legal Services Project (Los Angeles) ....................................$89,284
j. Legal Access Alameda
Alameda County Family Law Day of Court Project ...............................................$29,434
Family Law Status Conference Project.....................................................................$63,774
k. Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles
Torrance Self-Help Center .......................................................................................$88,302
l. Legal Aid Foundation of Santa Barbara
Legal Resource Center Partnership (Lompoc and Santa Barbara) ......................$114,793
m. Legal Aid of Marin
Community Court Expansion ................................................................................$78,491
n. Legal Aid Society of San Bernardino
Caregivers Accessing Justice Guardianship Program...............................................$98,114
o. Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc.
Name & Gender Marker Change Clinic ................................................................$83,397
Unlawful Detainer Clinic Expansion Project ...........................................................$78,491
p. Legal Assistance for Seniors
Partnership to Assist Guardianship Litigants (Alameda) .........................................$63,774
Partnership to Assist Limited Conservatorship Litigants (Alameda) ....................$63,774
q. Legal Services of Northern California
Mother Lode Pro Per Project (Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, Placer, Nevada & Sierra) .......................................................................................$93,208
Small Claims & Guardianship Self-Help Project (Yolo) .........................................$60,831
r. Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County
Consumer Technology Project .................................................................................$88,302
Housing Cases Continuum of Services ..................................................................$79,472
Stabilizing Families .................................................................................................$98,114
s. Public Counsel
Guardianship Clinic (Los Angeles) .........................................................................$29,434
t. Public Law Center
De Facto and Adoptive Parent Assistance Project ...................................................$49,057
Orange County Courthouse Guardianship Clinic ..................................................$39,245
u. Riverside Legal Aid
Small Estates Assistance Program ...........................................................................$98,114
v. San Diego Volunteer Lawyers Program
Central Division Restraining Order Clinic ............................................................$98,114
w. San Luis Obispo Legal Aid Foundation
Rental Clinic ......................................................................................$98,114
Total $2,423,410