Judicial Council-Sponsored Legislation (Court Facilities): Disposition of Mental Health Courthouse (Action Required)
The Los Angeles County Mental Health Courthouse facility has been permanently closed and is unsuitable to the needs of the judicial branch. The local court supports disposition of this facility. To eliminate the Judicial Council’s continuing liability and expense in holding this facility and to realize its value in a fair market value sales transaction, the Policy Coordination and Liaison Committee and the Facilities Policies Working Group recommend that the council approve the sale of this facility as nonsurplus property and direct council staff to take all actions necessary to dispose of it.
The Policy Coordination and Liaison Committee and the Facilities Policies Working Group recommend that the Judicial Council, effective May 24, 2018:
1. Approve the sale of the Los Angeles County Mental Health Courthouse as nonsurplus property in a fair market value transaction subject to obtaining statutory authorization for the disposition of the facility;
2. Direct council staff to take all actions necessary to:
a. Obtain statutory authorization to dispose of the facility with the proceeds to be directed to the Immediate and Critical Needs Account of the State Court Facilities Construction Fund established by Senate Bill 1407 (Perata; Stats. 2008, ch. 311) or any other Judicial Council facilities fund authorized by the Legislature; and
b. Draft and negotiate a real property disposition agreement and any other related necessary documents for the disposition of this facility, which agreement and documents may be contingent on legislative authorization for the disposition of the property; and
3. Delegate to the Administrative Director or his designee the authority to sign a real property disposition agreement and any other related necessary document for the facility, which agreement and documents may be contingent on legislative authorization for the disposition of the property.