Trial Court Allocations: Trial Court Trust Fund Funds Held on Behalf of the Trial Courts (Action Required)
The Fiscal Planning Subcommittee of the Trial Court Budget Advisory Committee recommends that the Judicial Council approve two new requests and three amended requests for Trial Court Trust Fund (TCTF) funds to be held on behalf of the trial courts. Under the Judicial Council-adopted process, a court may request that funding reduced as a result of a court exceeding its 1 percent fund balance cap be retained in the TCTF for the benefit of that court. The total estimated amount requested by the trial courts that would be reduced from their 2017-18 allocations for exceeding the cap is $989,112. The council will be informed of any final adjustments to the estimated amounts after the 2016-17, 1 percent fund balance cap has been finalized.
Based on actions taken at its October 4, 2017, meeting, the Fiscal Planning Subcommittee of the Trial Court Budget Advisory Committee recommends that the Judicial Council, effective November 15, 2017:
1. Allocate and designate $97,561 in Trial Court Trust Fund fund balance to be held on behalf of the following courts:
a. $53,561 to be held for the Superior Court of Butte County;
b. $44,000 to be held for the Superior Court of Siskiyou County;
These funds will be reduced from the courts’ allocations as a result of those courts exceeding the 1 percent fund balance cap. The funds would be distributed back to the courts in 2017-18, as delineated in Attachment A.
2. Approve the amended request of the Superior Court of Mono County, which adds an additional $18,279 in Trial Court Trust Fund fund balance to be held on behalf to its original request of $115,000. The funds would be distributed back to the court over two fiscal years, as delineated in Attachment B.
3. Approve the amended requests of the Superior Court of San Bernardino County, and the Superior Court of Sutter County. These courts have reduced their original requests by $1,040,565. The amended request total of $758,272 will be reduced from the courts’ allocations as a result of those courts exceeding the 1 percent fund balance cap. The funds would be adjusted and distributed back to the courts in 2017-18, as delineated in Attachment B.